To become a member of MTDS, click on application form listed below, print off the form, and mail to the address listed on the form. Dues are $12.50 for single membership and $15.00 for family membership.
MTDS - membership application form.pdf
We here at Middle TN Daylily Society host various meetings and events throughout the year. The public is encouraged to attend the society’s activities and the meetings are designed to help novice and experienced gardeners learn techniques to improve the care and hybridizing of daylilies. Because of hybridizing information shared through organizations such as the Middle Tennessee Daylily Society, daylilies have increased from a handful of varieties to over eighty thousand varieties. Even at events that the society uses to raise funding for publications and shows that further increase public awareness of daylilies, educational advice for the care and growing of daylilies are included with plant purchases. .